The English Department takes over the blog

Last Monday we had a special visitor to our school: Jon from the Publishing House Burlington came to explain the ins and outs of the British culture to our students.

Jon did a great job and our secondary students (1A, 2A, 2B, PMAR, 3A, 3B and 4A) had a blast as it can be seen in the photos. They learnt, laughed and got some small presents like pens and notebooks.

Farin (3A):

We had a great activity last monday.
A man called Jon came to our school to talk about interesting things about the UK.
Jon showed us the flags of the countries that are in the UK (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales). He also did an “how to be a millionaire?” show and just to get one of the answers he called his mom. We also got to know where Adele, Rihanna or some other singers were from.
If we right answer the questions,  he'll give us pens.
We did this activity at the theatre of our school. I was with my friends and we had a lot of fun because Jon has a great sense of humor.
During the activity i was paying attention and trying to answer the questions .Thank God my friends and me were next to Ciara (one of our Language Assistants) because she helped us to get the answers.
I hope we see Jon again and get more pens!

Lucas (3A):

This activity took place in the theater, and what happened was that there was a man from London called Jon, what basically Jon did it was to explain us to 3A and 4A the customs of the United Kingdom and some curiosities. For example he told us that the city with the longest name in Europe is in Wales. The activity lasted one hour approximately. In general, I like the activity and he also made fun games and questions.

Antonella (3A):

The activity was about the countries and nations: Wales,England,Scotland, Northern Ireland. Where he explained the countries that form the UK and its origin and at the same time us to questions in a funny way.Took place in the hall of events(teatre).The activity lasted approximate one hour and half past. Jon (a man british) he gave us that talk
To me personally i liked , was interesting and very entertaining.

Farin, Lucas and Antonella, thank you for writing for the blog. A promise is a promise so you all have some Dojo points for that!


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