#FridaysForFuture Vs Grietas y Heridas en el CEIPSO

Resistencia cervantina, sabemos que el pasado viernes hicisteis (algunos) huelga, pero mucha gente aún no sabe por qué, así que necesitamos vuestra colaboración. ¿Por qué dicha huelga era mucho más que faltar un día a clase? A lo mejor este enlace os ayuda.

El vídeo del inicio y las explicaciones de esta jovencita activista de 15 años que podría ser cualquiera de vosotras o vosotros, Greta Thunberg, nos dan una pista:

Estas reivindicaciones sobre el medio ambiente no nos resultan extrañas para nada, así que nos tenemos que sumar al reto de cambiar el mundo, como reza nuestro lema del centro. 

Necesitamos ideas, pero antes, como dijo nuestro director en el salón de actos tras la manifestación "Unidas, fuertes, libres", tenemos que aprovisionarnos de conocimientos. Resistencia, contestadnos:

1) ¿Quién es Greta Thunberg? 
2) ¿Qué está pasando en el cole, cada vez más deterioriado?
3) ¿Cómo podemos sumarnos al reto de detener el cambio climático? 
4) Podríamos escribirle un mensaje de apoyo a Greta y traducirlo al inglés para hacérselo llegar.
5) .....................................


  1. Greta Thunberg is an amazing little girl that fights against capitalistic society for a better world, she talks about things we can do for a better environment and future.

    Miguel Velasco e Izan 4A

  2. Nahla, Judith, Ainara 2°A19 de marzo de 2019, 13:55

    Greta Thunberg is a famous teenagers in the world. We think that her speech is very moving and we think that we need it.

  3. Mónica,Bianca,Izan,Pablo y Britny 2°A19 de marzo de 2019, 13:58

    Hello Greta Thunberg , we are with you in this fight against climate change , we support you from C.E.I.P.S.O Miguel De Cervantes.

  4. greta thunberg, we are surprised that you haven´t asked anything to the politicians you spoke the true, there a ideas have taken ro were wear now and they are still going to take us. keep on going. #weallaretrees


  5. So... I want to be like this girl, but I mean it's to late for that. I will be better than this girl, I not, we will change the world c'mon ceipso!!!!

  6. The attitude of this girl is very positive and I like that, so I think that there should be more people with that attitude to stop the climate change.

  7. Dear Greta; thank for your speech, we agree with your opinion. We are willing to help you, we will think forms to contribute from CEIPSO Miguel de Cervantes.

    Ali and Daniel 4° ESO

  8. Fátima Y Lezly 4°ESO19 de marzo de 2019, 22:46

    (ENGLISH )
    Hello Greta, we are Lezly and Fátima, and we are from an high school in Spain.
    Our reason to writing you is to congratulate you for your fantastic and moving speech. It's so amazing see a girl in your age fight to find a solution to this is problem that is affecting our problem.
    Like do you say " The politicians the have not done or will do anything, but the power has the people" . And that's why we are going to change and put an end to this problem.


    Hola Greta, somos Lezly y Fátima, y ​​somos de una escuela secundaria en España. Nuestro motivo para escribirte es felicitarte por tu discurso fantástico y conmovedor. Es tan sorprendente ver a una chica de tu edad luchar para encontrar una solución a este problema que está afectando nuestro problema. Como dice usted: "Los políticos no han hecho ni harán nada, pero el poder lo tiene a la gente". Y es por eso que vamos a cambiar y poner fin a este problema.

  9. FÁTIMA EL OUMARI 4 ESO19 de marzo de 2019, 22:55

    1) ¿Quién es Greta Thunberg?

    Greta Thunberg es una activista y estudiante sueca y es la responsable de la huelga estudiante en contra del cambio climático.
    En diciembre del 2018 realizó este impactante discurso ante las naciones unidas lo que hizo que se le conociera a nivel global.

  10. Greta Thunberg is a girl of 15 years old and a Swedish student, she is very mature for her age, her purpose is to make us understand the importance of taking care of the environment, the consequences of climate change and the power that is in our hands, which we miss out on completely.

  11. Hello, Greta, I'm Saad from Spain. I saw your video and I liked your job. You are a young activist and I love that. I'd like to meet you in person because you are a hero. Good luck changing the world! We are with you!

  12. Hello, Greta. My name is Elianny and I'd like to say that I admire what you do. I think you are REALLY brave for doing what you are doing. Some people won't like what you do, but never give up and keep on fighting for a better world. I'd like to be like you because you seem to be a strong person. From our school, we support you!

  13. Great job, Greta! Congratulations for this action, the love and humbleness. Thank you for your words. We really need more people like you.

  14. Hello, Greta, I'm Adil from Spain. I saw your video and I liked your job because it is really good. Thank you for saying that we have to change the world. Politicians have to make the right decisions in order to stop the climate change.

  15. Greta, I think you are really brave. You are very young but you think and act like an adult. You are doing a fantastic job by raising awareness about the dangers of climate change. We support you!!

  16. Hello, Greta. I'm Adel and I live in Spain. I think your job about climate change is really good. We all need to help to stop climate change with the colaboration of our politicians with their decisions to save the world.

  17. Hello, Greta, I'm Chantal and I study at the CEIPSO Miguel de Cervantes in Spain. I really loved your video. I think politicians around the world should support these actions because our world needs saving. You are really brave for standing up for all of us.

  18. I like your attitude because you are so brave. There should be more people like you.

  19. I think it's really brave of you. You are fighting for climate change but you are not alone. We support you!!

  20. I love everything that you are doing. You are brave and admirable.

  21. Greta, I think you are really mature for worrying about our planet and spending your Fridays to fight against Climate Change. Thanks to your actions, last Friday there was an international student strike. You did an amazing job!

  22. I think you're amazing and brave because you are fighting against a difficult problem. We need more people like you.Thank you for everything you're doing. You're an excellent person.

  23. Thank you, Greta, for worrying about our planet. You are an example to follow.

  24. Your actions against climate change are admirable. Proof of that is that you have been nominated for the Nobel, and I think you deserve the prize. It's amazing that thanks to you thousands of students from all around the world went on strike last Friday.

  25. Greta, I think it is very brave of you what you are doing in order to change the future of our planet. Some people might not support you, but thanks to the strikes, the governments will take action. You are daring and brave.

  26. You are such a great example for young people. It's amazing that at your age you are already fighting to stop climate change. Thank you, Greta, we are really proud of you.

  27. I really like your way of fighting for the environment You are really brave and thanks to you, young people are united against climate change. Thank you :)

  28. I think what you do on Fridays is really important because very few people care for it. If we keep on living the way we do, there won't be a planet to live in. Thanks to you, thousands of students have opened their eyes.

  29. I think you are really brave making thousands of people follow you. You really deserve the Nobel!!!

  30. Your actions are really important because we are destroying our planet and we need someone to do something.

  31. Melanie Mkhitaryan 3°B20 de marzo de 2019, 20:05

    Hello Greta, my name is Melany and today I want to thank you for what you do for our planet when those who should do it, do not give importance. I want you to know that in the Miguel de Cervantes we apollo to keep fighting for our planet.


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