Taller de reparación

La bici me recuerda que tenéis que ayudar a 4º para recorrer una enorme distancia de kilómetros (pincha aquí para verlo). ¡Echad un pedal, porfa!

Por otra parte, para la clase de Inglés con Marta tenéis que realizar la siguiente actividad y para eso vais a necesitar vuestras dotes traductoras:


Amsterdam is famous for the use of bicycles. They use them much more than other countries in Europe. An estimated 38% of all trips in Amsterdam are made by bike – compared with 2% in London. In fact, people from Amsterdam love using bicycles to go around the city, because they are very proud of their bike lanes. There are even more bicycles on the road than motorbikes, motorists are powerless!
Apart from bikes, there are many other transports that you can use in the city too: trams, metro, trains, buses, and ferries, but bikes are the most environment-friendly transport you can use! Colourful too, in bright colours like red and yellow. Come on the bike tours all over the city! Rent a bike.

Answer the questions about the text:

a)       Are bikes famous in other European cities? (5kj)

b)      Why do people use bicycles in Amsterdam so much? (5kj)

c)       What are other transports you can use in Amsterdam? (5kj)

d)      True or false? (5kj)

Over 30% of the trips are by bike.

Bicycles are black and white.

There are more motorbikes than bycicles in the city.


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